Behaviour and Attitudes
All staff, including governors, will receive safeguarding and online safety training to ensure the whole school community are aware of changes to child protection, including the prominence of SH and SV, and that they are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of how to identify and deal with any safeguarding issues which may arise.
Policies will be reviewed and updated in light of recent changes and shared with governors and staff.
Online safety continues to be a prominent part of the ICT and PSHE curriculum and children will be trained in how to identify and avoid the dangers of the online world. They will become confident in how to use the internet safely.
To continue to ensure that mental health and well-being is prominent in school, with classrooms being positive, safe, nurturing and supportive environments in which to learn. Emotional registers, emotion cards or fans, emotion boxes and the rainbows in class continue to be a part of the learning environment. Mental health champions, including the learning mentor, will continue to provide support for children, liaising with other staff in school to ensure they remain up to date and able to support the wellbeing of others.
Pupil leaders are established across school as well as in classes to allow pupils to take responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school. These include playground buddies, reception buddies, lunchtime monitors, librarians, digital leaders and collective worship monitors. This will result in pupils becoming more resilient and independent and will enable them to develop a positive attitude towards managing their learning environments.
Positive Relationships Policy
Suspension and Exclusion Policy