'Through the love of God, we protect our school community. Together we trust, hope, persevere and flourish on life's great adventure.'

For Parents and Carers

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Behaviour and Attitudes

Behaviour and Attitudes

St Paul's Fundamental Principles

Every person in the school has rights. Each teacher has the right to teach without disruption and pupils have the right to learn without interference. We also recognise that every member of the school community also has the right:

  • to learn and help others through careful listening and turn taking.
  • to feel safe in, and moving around the school, classroom, and playground.
  • to express themselves, ask questions and, share opinions and ideas.
  • to be treated fairly, with equality and respect in line with our Equality Statement.
  • to be listened to in a dispute and have difficulties with others settled.
  • to work in an environment that is cared for by everyone in the school and, equipment and belongings looked after.

Positive Relationships Policy

The fundamental principles which underpin our Positive Relationships Policy are:

  • unconditional positive regard for all pupils;
  • a no shouting policy;
  • a non-confrontational approach;
  • a focus on the behaviour, not the pupil;
  • a focus on choice: we refer to good choices (which lead to good consequences) and choices which are poor (which lead to negative consequences).

School Rules

Our Behaviour Code ensures a consistent approach to promoting positive behaviours, and provides a framework for dealing with unwanted behaviours.

Behaviour Code

Suspension & Exclusion

For serious negative behaviours, the headteacher will consider suspension and exclusion in line with statutory guidance. Parents will always be informed at the earliest opportunity and a meeting will be arranged to provide information regarding the reasons for this action. Positive steps forward will be discussed at the time of suspension or exclusion, and reiterated as part of the pupil’s reintegration meeting on return to school.

Suspension / Exclusion is always a last resort.

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

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