'Through the love of God, we protect our school community. Together we trust, hope, persevere and flourish on life's great adventure.'

For Pupils

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Our School Council

School Council

Each year, our pupils exercise their democratic freedoms as they vote for a new School Council.

Our School Council is made up of three committees: 

thumbnail_IMG_0319 (1)Exo WarriorsHapiness Heroes

Junior Leadership Team

Our JLT supports school leadership in our strive for excellence in all aspects of our school life. They generate new improvement ideas, share pupil voice, and put words into actions. 

Eco Warriors

Our Eco Warrior are committed to protecting our planet, community and school grounds. The consider the environmental impact of our actions in our local area, and champion a cleaner and greener world!

Happiness Heroes

Our Happiness Heroes support our pupils mental health and wellbeing, as well as look for opportunities to spread happiness further afield through charitable work and fundraising ideas. 

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