Reception Class 2021
Due to disruption caused by the Covid pandemic, combined with the local and national falling birth rate, we have a small number of places for Reception starters in September 2021. If you would like any further information about securing one of the last places at St Paul’s for September, then please contact the school office on 01274 679183.
Alternatively, please complete the form below and return by email to - or by post to - Admissions Team, Children’s Services, Margaret McMillan Tower, Princes Way, Bradford, BD1 1NN
If you have not yet applied for a reception place at any school and your child's birth date falls between 01.09.16 and 31.08.17 please apply by completing the late application form below.
REC 2021 LATE APPLICATION FORM 2021.docx and return by email to - or by post to - Admissions Team, Children’s Services, Margaret McMillan Tower, Princes Way, Bradford, BD1 1NN
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