'Through the love of God, we protect our school community. Together we trust, hope, persevere and flourish on life's great adventure.'

Our Curriculum


Through our English curriculum, we intend for every child to become confident writers through developing a love of language, its origins, and the written word.

Regular, specific vocabulary lessons addressing Tier 2 vocabulary are designed to address gaps in pupil’s knowledge and skills due to social disadvantage and life experiences.

We aim to instil in our children a thirst for imagination through a curriculum designed upon a text-based approach, sequencing learning around carefully selected high-quality age-appropriate texts.

In life, reading and writing go hand-in-hand and this approach to English lessons allows children to appreciate the link between these two forms of English. At St Paul’s CE, we also intend to build children’s resilience and perseverance by careful reflection and editing; we want to create writers who are both able to flourish in their writing yet reflect carefully on their outcomes. In doing so, children will be able to re-read, edit and improve their outcomes and confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation and spelling to help them achieve this.


  Writing Progression                                    Writing Strategy                                     Grammar Progression

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