Our Vision and Core Values
Through the love of God, we protect our school community. Together we trust, hope, persevere and flourish on life’s great adventure.
Our vision puts positive, productive relationships at the heart of everything that we do. We conducted some research and found out that St Paul wrote to the Corinthians about ‘love’, the integral component of all relationships, and how it protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres.
St Paul wrote about what love is and what it is not and that without love we are nothing. Because of this, here at St Paul’s we promote positive relationships and facilitate honest and open communication between pupils, staff, parents and all other members of the school community. By establishing trusting, hopeful relationships and persevering to maintain these connections with one another, we will enable everyone to flourish on their journey and contribute positively to the lives of others.
Our ‘rainbow rules’ also link to this extract from the bible; just like love at St Paul’s we are patient, we are kind and we rejoice in the truth.
Our Core Values
Our pupils selected our Core Values of:

These are the names of our seven family groups in school and we encourage our pupils to display these values throughout their daily lives.
Having seven family groups in school enables us to have ‘Rainbow Days’ where the pupils can spend special days learning with their school family of approximately 30 pupils. These opportunities enable the children to build stronger relationships with pupils from across the school age range and with a variety of staff members too.

Our School Logo
As a Church of England School, the Christian symbol of the cross is central to our journey and central to the logo, with coloured squares that represent the Christian values and families in school.
We feel that the compass is a positive image and links well with our vision.
The compass also provides direction and can be linked to 'the journey’ that our pupils go on here at St Paul's. It generates excitement, offers re-assurance and links to our drive to prepare our pupils; enabling them to navigate through their lives independently and ensuring they are ready for the 'next step' when they leave us in year six.
There are also seven points around this compass that reflect our seven Core Values and they are coloured, in line with the seven school families.