'Through the love of God, we protect our school community. Together we trust, hope, persevere and flourish on life's great adventure.'

For Pupils

St Pauls Primary Bradford copyright (27)

Our School Council

Bridge Builders

Bridge Builders

An innovative approach to school council. Inspired by our late Queen who said ‘Bridges are symbols of communication and unity.’

We have therefore created ‘Bridge Builders’ who work on developing our school. Through initial class discussions, 2 Bridge Builders are elected who then attend a meeting with a teacher within school. This is an opportunity to hear from each class and to pave the way forward. Children discuss aspects they are proud of and suggest elements they would like to change.

Together, as Bridge Builders, we discuss and agree on the way forward, electing project managers to oversee the initiative across the school. Opportunities for reflection are built into the Bridge Builders, once the new ideas are launched and embedded the Bridge Builders meet again to discuss the impact of the changes, considering what has worked well and what could be improved further.

So far this year we led 2 Bridge Builder initiatives

1. Collective Worship

2. Positive Relationships